Date: 07/22/2024 – Time: 4:00 hours
Date: 07/23/2024 – Time: 2:30 hours
I began by trimming the new 1014 R rear spar cap and disassembling the rudder rear spar to replace the badly drilled original.
In these videos and snapshots you can also see that I made some effort to reduce the bend in the rear spar doubler although I will further reduce the bend as it is supposed to be within 1/16th of an inch of flat.
I got stuck for about 40 minutes because I did not have a #8 screw countersink (countersink with a #19 pilot) for the lower hinge hinge mounting hole countersinking. When I originally assembled tools I went through the recommended tools from both Aircraft Spruce and Cleveland and did not pay too much attention to the actual list in the manual. Pretty silly of me. Anyway, I spent an hour going through my tools and the manual tool list and ended up ordering everything I was missing. As neither Aircraft Spruce nor Cleveland had a countersink cutter with a #19 pilot I ended up ordering everything from Aircraft Tool Supply who had everything I needed. The added advantage was that ATS were able to ship immediately rather than incurring delays because they were attending Air Venture.
Once I had ordered the additional countersink cutters and a couple of other items I just started prepping the ribs by stripping the blue vinyl and deburring the edges. Still have to proceed with rounding the flanges to prevent deforming the skin during final assembly.

Below are various video clips from the assembly process on 7/22 and 7/23.