I’m ready to build ! I think..
This past weekend I finished the last project I decided was a minimum completion task on the workshop before starting to build, the installation of the air hose.
Everything, I believe is now in place and my intention is to start on my practice projects this week. Then I am interrupted by having to travel to CA for a wedding but plan to start on the airplane itself as soon as I return.
It’s been a long road to getting the workshop ready, but I wanted it to be a place I enjoy being, and I do. I know as the summer progresses I will need to install the A/C and insulation, but that can wait a couple of months until early July.

Of course, being summer, swimming may get in the way, and then there is also the peach orchard. The peach orchard should be producing our first crop this year. It won’t be a heavy crop, but something, and regardless of how big or small it is the orchard does need to be mowed and sprayed each week until sales in mid July.
You can check out the orchard at this link: https://www.pick-a-peach.com/.